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FT Questions....

Clears up a whole lot of my screw ups.
Thanks again Scott
(09-13-2014, 05:02 AM)Altamir Wrote: maybe look on page 134, that might be clearer on sets, and rests. This is what you did earlier, for lower loading/upper pump which I will edit to be what it should have been for FT. Bolded are my changes

I hope that clears things up and gets you in the right direction Smile

Ok I will check it out.Thanks
(09-13-2014, 06:59 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: Minitruck was at one point not doing thing correctly.

Click the banner above (that you see on every page) to go back to where you download the book. You'll see that you can download FREE Overview sheets that show the four workouts, in summary, for all three Tiers. One overview sheet for the Basic Version, one for the Turbo Version.

Rest intervals for thigh loading sets are different from upper body, as well as for calves.

I am having trouble reading the muscle categories for the turbo version of the program.
For example in day 4 of Tier II Turbo all I see is:
Back Th 1-2XMR
Back W 1-2XMR
Chest 1XMR
Delts 1XMR
tris a/o 1xMR,
Thigh (H 1XMR
Calf a/o 1XMR
Abs 1XMR

I'm guessing the turbo version of Tier II Day 4 is supposed to read:
Back Thick. 1-2XMR
Back Width 1-2MR
Chest 1XMR
Delts 1XMR
Tris a/o Bis? 1XMR,
Thigh (Hamstrings a/o Quads?) 1XMR
Calf a/o Foreams? 1XMR
Abs 1XMR

Sorry if this has been covered, I looked but could not find it.
(09-13-2014, 10:47 AM)gtdawg Wrote: I am having trouble reading the muscle categories for the turbo version of the program.
For example in day 4 of Tier II Turbo all I see is:
Back Th 1-2XMR
Back W 1-2XMR
Chest 1XMR
Delts 1XMR
tris a/o 1xMR,
Thigh (H 1XMR
Calf a/o 1XMR
Abs 1XMR

I'm guessing the turbo version of Tier II Day 4 is supposed to read:
Back Thick. 1-2XMR
Back Width 1-2MR
Chest 1XMR
Delts 1XMR
Tris a/o Bis? 1XMR, CORRECT
Thigh (Hamstrings a/o Quads?) 1XMR (You can make this a ham or quad focused MR (e.g., feet HIGH or low for a leg press)
Calf a/o Foreams? 1XMR (CALVES and/or ADDUCTORS)
Abs 1XMR

Sorry if this has been covered, I looked but could not find it.

No, it's all good. Those are minor points of flexibility in the program (you could do just what you set out if needed).


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Sorry for the misinformation TJ124 and Scott.

I get over-excited about this AWESOME training program at times.

I think I've re-read the E-Book at least 4 times before I finally got it.
Plus some comrads have helped with some of the details.

Keep learning, keep grindin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(09-13-2014, 10:20 AM)tj124 Wrote: Clears up a whole lot of my screw ups.
Thanks again Scott

Ok I will check it out.Thanks

(09-13-2014, 11:11 PM)Mack Truck Wrote: Sorry for the misinformation TJ124 and Scott.

I get over-excited about this AWESOME training program at times.

I think I've re-read the E-Book at least 4 times before I finally got it.
Plus some comrads have helped with some of the details.

Keep learning, keep grindin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No worries, MT. GLAD TO SEE YOU Over here. Smile


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Hey Scot can you please explain Pulse sets. Did Day3 Tier 1 today felt great. Looking forward to Day4!!!!
Scott's there's no loading sets for bi/tri. Is this because they get worked indirectly so frequently, or because like many, you you feel these smaller muscles respond better to "pump training". Also would you reccomend using a more precise exercise rotation for these pump sets, so you can have some type of progressive overload, or is just pumping them enough?
(09-14-2014, 10:07 AM)tj124 Wrote: Hey Scot can you please explain Pulse sets. Did Day3 Tier 1 today felt great. Looking forward to Day4!!!!

Pulse sets?...

(09-14-2014, 11:53 AM)Machmood Wrote: Scott's there's no loading sets for bi/tri. Is this because they get worked indirectly so frequently, or because like many, you you feel these smaller muscles respond better to "pump training". Also would you reccomend using a more precise exercise rotation for these pump sets, so you can have some type of progressive overload, or is just pumping them enough?

Arms are trained frequently and are are frequent site of overuse injuries (tendonitis, etc.).

You do do MR's for arms at the higher Tiers, and the pump sets on Days 3 and 4 can be treated in that fashion.

Loading sets are overkill in this program, IMO, and potentially dangerous.

One thing I picked up from my DC training days (and Dante said this many a time), is that for most people, getting stronger on give polling and pushing movements is going to mean arm growth, given rising body weight.


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
On the training log that I downloaded it reads Muscle Rounds Or Pulse Set Notes? Sorry confused bro.

(09-14-2014, 12:11 PM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: Pulse sets?...

Arms are trained frequently and are are frequent site of overuse injuries (tendonitis, etc.).

You do do MR's for arms at the higher Tiers, and the pump sets on Days 3 and 4 can be treated in that fashion.

Loading sets are overkill in this program, IMO, and potentially dangerous.

One thing I picked up from my DC training days (and Dante said this many a time), is that for most people, getting stronger on give polling and pushing movements is going to mean arm growth, given rising body weight.


(09-15-2014, 09:32 AM)tj124 Wrote: On the training log that I downloaded it reads Muscle Rounds Or Pulse Set Notes? Sorry confused bro.

That's a typo. Pump sets.


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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